Salı, Mayıs 09, 2006

hangi lost karakterisiniz?

You scored 67% kindness, 39% courage, 52% seedy past,
and 64% secretiveness!

"Hmm. I have this dream. I'm driving a bus. And my teeth start

falling out. My mum is in the back. Eating biscuits. Everything

smells of bacon. It's weird. 'Course then I wake up screaming."

You are Charlie. More specifically, you are Charlie when he
was still dealing with his heroin addiction. You're a kind person,
but your seedy past and intense secretiveness are hurting you.
You're not one of the bravest guys on the island, but you will
defend what is closest to you without fail. You'll be okay in the
end because let's not forget, you're a bloody rock god!

Your polar opposite is: Michael.
You are similar to: Claire and Kate.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people
your age and gender
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You scored higher than 67% on kindness
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You scored higher than 29% on courage
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You scored higher than 79% on seedy past
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You scored higher than 79% on secretiveness
Link: The Which Lost Character Are You Test written by ack_attack on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

1 yorum:

minikstar dedi ki...

hehehe okcupid ve çılgın testleri =)